Members of the Association shall be either life members, corporate members or honorary members.
Life Members
All SLE patients entitled to apply for life membership of the Association shall be approved without any application fees. All non SLE patients (including those who were ordinary members before year 2016) entitled to apply for life membership of the Association will need to pay a one-time subscription of RM50.00. All life members, except for life members who are below the age of 18, shall have the right to vote and hold office.
Corporate Members
All firms, companies, organisations and institutions who subscribe to the objectives of the Association shall be entitled to apply for corporate membership of the Association and shall upon approval pay a minimum subscription fee of RM500.00 per annum. Corporate members shall have no voting rights and may not hold any office or post as defined in these Rules.
Honorary Members
Honorary membership shall be conferred to persons who have made notable contributions towards the objectives of the Association and they shall be elected to such membership by voting rights and may not hold any office or post as defined in these Rules.